Landscape Installations
We are a licensed, landscape contractor business in North Carolina.
Our work includes
As owner/manager/foreman I operate with a small crew, typically just myself and two employees.
I know a lot about soils and plants and I am good at pruning.
Landscape improvements and installations are $50/ person hour.
Estimates and contracts are provided for larger size projects.
Lighting, irrigation and arborist tree services are performed by licensed, insured contractors that I have worked with numerous times and trust.
Our work includes
- Installing walks, patios, and paths.
- Re-grading work
- Grubbing out over-mature and poorly placed plantings,
- Tilling and amending soil with adequate amounts of compost, lime and other sources of plant nutrients
- Hand selecting and planting the best plant material within the Triangle-area.
- Mulch
As owner/manager/foreman I operate with a small crew, typically just myself and two employees.
I know a lot about soils and plants and I am good at pruning.
Landscape improvements and installations are $50/ person hour.
Estimates and contracts are provided for larger size projects.
Lighting, irrigation and arborist tree services are performed by licensed, insured contractors that I have worked with numerous times and trust.